FAQs About Gum Disease Treatment In Bridgeport, CT

by | Oct 31, 2017 | Dentistry

In Connecticut, dental patients visit their dental professional regularly to maintain their teeth and gums. However, some inherited conditions can lead to the development of gum disease and require more extensive treatment requirements for the patient. A local dentist can provide answers to questions about Gum Disease Treatment in Bridgeport CT for these patients.

How is Gingivitis Treated?

At the first signs of gingivitis, the dentist will provide the patient with a medicated mouthwash to eliminate bacteria in the mouth. The mouthwash also helps with swelling of the gums and can lower the chances of bleeding when the patient brushes and flosses their teeth. The patient may need to undergo more assessments within a year to monitor the progression of the gum disease.

If Patients Have Periodontal Disease Will They Lose All Their Teeth?

There is a higher-than-average probability that patients the complex periodontal disease will lose all their teeth. However, if the patient visits the dentist regularly, there are treatments he or she can provide to lessen the effects of the disease. The patient will also be required to continue to brush and floss their teeth at least twice daily.

How is the Periodontal Treatment Performed?

Typically, the dentist will provide multiple cleanings throughout the year to remove dead gum tissue and allow new tissue to thrive. The pockets that often develop around the gumline with this disease are cleaned, and any infections that are present are treated immediately.

What is the Outlook for Patients?

If the patient’s teeth continue to become damaged by the condition and the roots are destroyed, the dentist will recommend extractions for all teeth. This doesn’t mean the patient they must have all their teeth pulled at once. This could also present them with the possibility of acquiring dental implants once the gums heal from the extractions.

In Connecticut, dental patients who are diagnosed with gum disease must follow all additional instructions provided by their dentist. They should also visit their dentist regularly to ensure the condition hasn’t worsened. Patients that need Gum Disease Treatment in Bridgeport CT contact a dentist and set up an appointment or browse our website right now.

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