What You Should Know Before You Look for a Professional Buyer When You Sell Jewelry in NYC

by | Mar 18, 2016 | Uncategorized

Before you decide to sell your jewelry, you might want to know more about it. Being knowledgeable about the jewelry you have and its worth will help keep you from being stiffed by jewelry buyers. Though you don’t have to worry about this much when you find a reputable buyer, it’s still nice to know.

What Do You Really Have?

If you want to sell jewelry in NYC, then you need to know if that ring you got from your grandmother’s estate is really worth something or if it’s just sentimental value. It might not even be a diamond, actually. A qualified appraiser will be able to tell you if the diamond is real and how much it’s worth. They can give you an unbiased opinion of the condition and characteristics of the stone, and highlight the positive and the negative aspects that affect your diamond’s value.

Know a Realistic Price

If you have an unrealistic price expectation for your diamond, that’s the fastest way to be disappointed with any sale. There should be two approaches when you are trying to figure out a price for your diamond when you try to sell jewelry. First, if you are having an appraisal done, ask how much the stone could be worth in a specific market and under specific circumstances. Discussing the pricing strategy is 80% of the benefit of having an appraisal from a resale customer. A good appraiser will follow the current market trends and help you realize the potential resale value of your jewelry.

Know Your Selling Options

If you want to sell jewelry, you have to investigate your options. The greatest advantage of selling to someone who is in the jewelry industry is time. If you want to sell your jewelry quickly and with little fuss over having to market the piece, then find a jeweler. The most important thing is to find someone you trust. The only downside is you won’t get top dollar—but remember they have to resell that piece of jewelry and make a profit, or it’s not worth their time. It’s definitely worth yours to make a quick sale.

Know If You’re Emotionally Ready

Diamonds are usually symbols of love or passion, so they are harder to part with than most other pieces of jewelry. Nonetheless, you must leave your emotions out of your selling decision. Sentimental value might raise the price of the diamond or jewelry to you, but a potential buyer is not going to be that moved.

More importantly, be sure you’re ready to sell so you don’t have to deal with emotional regrets later. Recognize that the piece of jewelry was part of your life at one time, but the jewelry itself is not the memory.

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