Choose Flu Vaccination Protection and Lessen the Risk of Complications

by | Jan 2, 2014 | Clinics, Health

The time of year is upon us when everyone seems to be getting sick. Flu season is always a rotten time of the year, and many people fall victim to this illness. The flu can be extremely dangerous for young children and senior citizens. Why not protect those you love the most with a vaccination to prevent them from getting sick? One simple injection or nose spray can give you a year’s worth of protection against getting sick. Isn’t Flu Vaccination protection worth it to you?

Symptoms of the flu usually involve a sudden spike in temperature. This fever can go extremely high, quickly. Often people feel fine when they go to bed or when they head off to work and school. Then, they will develop a headache and achy joints with the fever. By this time, it is too late to prevent yourself from getting it. You can then look forward to at least a few days of feeling terrible though the sniffling, sore throat, stiff joints, headaches, and difficulty breathing may continue as long as two weeks. Not everyone with the flu will develop a fever, but it is always guaranteed that you will feel rotten for a while.

The bad thing about the flu is not only how bad you will feel, but how easily it can turn into a much more life threatening illness. Pneumonia is a constant concern for anyone who is trying to recover from the flu. This is where small children and elderly people are at the most risk. Pneumonia can be very dangerous and may include hospitalization in order to recover from it. For some people, they continue to think it is the flu and neglect getting proper care until it is too late.

If you live near Willowbrook, IL or Schererville, IN, it is easy to get Flu Vaccination protection for yourself and your entire family thanks to the Midwest Express Clinic. It is basically an urgent care facility that handles a wide range of medical care with less wait than visiting the emergency room. They also offer protection against the flu and many other illnesses. So, instead of risking your family’s health and well-being why not give them the protection that is so easy to give?

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