Church Pastors in Hawaii Emphasize Church Participation

by | Dec 11, 2018 | Church

Some church members visit their churches once or twice a year, usually during Easter or Christmas. At other times, they are “no-shows,” which can frustrate pastors to no end. If you want to make the most of your church’s offerings, you have to participate. Otherwise, you will not be able to experience the glory of God in your life.

Where to Go Online

By reviewing the programs offered on a site such as, you can renew your relationship with Christ. Are you going through a hard time right now? If so, you need to receive spiritual healing. By becoming an active participant in your church, you can get through both bad and good times with renewed confidence.

Make a Difference in Your Life

That is why church pastors in Hawaii emphasize church participation. By taking an initiative, you can get closer to God and learn how the teachings of the Bible can make a difference in your life. While God does not promise to make things easier, He does offer the comfort and peace that surpasses understanding. By placing your trust in Him and participating in church programs, you can strengthen your spiritual understanding.

Following the Bible

Church pastors want church members to see the benefits of living a Christian life. That is why it is important to join a church that encourages ongoing participation. While it is good to hear a weekly sermon, it is also beneficial to practice the teachings of the Bible in your life. Do not worry about what you do not understand; worry about what you understand and do not follow.

If you want to make a positive change in the New Year, find a church to attend that encourages participation. Again, church pastors know the importance of becoming actively engaged. That is why they are delighted when attendance numbers increase. Make a resolution for the New Year to develop a closer and more meaningful relationship with God. Actively participate in church activities. You can also follow them on Instagram for more information.

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