Picking the Best Lights for Your Wedding Day

by | Feb 12, 2018 | Lighting

Your wedding day will be one of the most important moments of your life. That’s why you’ve invested so much time into preparing for it! Every last detail should match your vision for your ideal wedding day as closely as possible, from your dress to the flowers to the venue. One of the most significant elements of any wedding venue is the lighting; it’s a well known fact that lighting is vital for “setting the stage,” so to speak, and creating a certain mood. However, many brides and grooms don’t give the lighting of their wedding venue the focus it deserves. Here are a few things to consider.

What Mood Are You Going For?

Before you choose your lighting, you should first decide what kind of ambience you want to create for your wedding. What is your theme? You don’t want to pick bright fluorescent lighting for a dreamy, romantic garden wedding. On the other hand, wedding string lights can be the perfect choice for such a scenario! Talk with your wedding planner for ideas on how to pick the perfect type of lighting. Also, be sure to check with your venue before you commit to the idea of a specific type of lighting; you want to make sure the venue has the right accommodations, such as enough electrical outlets.

What Types of Lighting Can You Choose From?

As you may expect, there’s a wide variety of lighting styles you can choose from for your wedding. Some of the most popular styles include:

  • String lights are also known as fairy lights or Christmas lights, and are great for those looking to create a fairy tale mood. They are most effective with evening outdoor weddings and dimmed indoor venues. What may be even better news for those interested in wedding string lights in Dallas is how affordable this type of lighting is!

  • LED lighting is ideal for illuminating large spaces all at once, and comes in a vast array of color options. Use them for a vibrant, festive wedding!

No matter what type of lighting you choose for your wedding, you deserve to have the best services at your disposal. Get in touch with Christmas Company for the best wedding string lights in Dallas and more!

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