Reviewing Social Security Law In Missouri

by | Jan 8, 2021 | Lawyer

Social Security laws in Missouri are in place to protect disabled adults and children. Under these laws, these individuals have the right to file for financial benefits to help them support themselves and their families. Social Security Law in Missouri outlines the programs that are available and how these individuals should apply for the benefits.

What is SSI?

Supplemental Security Income is a program that provides monthly payments to disabled adults and children. The program provides benefits based on income sources that support the individual currently. For disabled children, the Social Security Administration evaluates the income of their parents. The total monthly income earned by the parents cannot exceed the income levels identified under the program’s guidelines.

For adults, the guidelines cover the total income allowances for a spouse. If the adult isn’t married, the SSA may assess the income of all household members who support them financially. This determines the benefits they will receive if approved.

What is SSDI?

Social Security Disability Insurance is the benefits secured by working. Individuals who become injured or develop conditions that prevent them from working qualify for these benefits. The value of their benefits depends on the duration of time in which they have worked.

What are the Requirements for These Benefits?

All applicants must have a qualifying condition. This condition should reflect a physical or mental condition that prevents them from working in any industry. Their medical records should reflect this inability. For those who apply for SSDI, they must show that they cannot work in all industries including that in which they worked previously.

The applicant must undergo medical and psychological screening. The SSA schedules these appointments, for them. They are required to attend these appointments or they could forfeit their rights to benefits.

In Missouri, all disabled individuals must undergo screening for Social Security benefits. However, they must qualify for the initial assessments conducted by the Disability Determination Service. All applicants who have a clear disability receive notification of these scheduled screenings.

Anyone who wishes to learn more about Social Security Law in Missouri should visit Grundy Disability Group LLC to get additional info today or contact them at 816.415.4560.

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