The Use of Sedation Dentistry

by | Mar 17, 2021 | Dentistry

There are many dental patients that are frightened of dentists and dental procedures. For these patients the solution is to use a dentist that sedates the patient. Sedation dentistry in Hamilton, GA eliminates the anxiety the patient feels, it can be employed for any procedure regardless of how simple or how complex it is.

Sedation dentistry is designed to relax the patient during the procedure; although it is often called “sleep dentistry” this is not really the case. Unless the procedure is one that requires the use of general anesthesia the patient is awake. There are four levels of sedation commonly used:

Minimal: Still awake but very relaxed.
Moderate: Expect a loss of memory and slurring of speech
Deep: Still awake but on the edge of unconsciousness
General anesthesia: Completely unconscious.

Different chemical compounds are used by the dentist to sedate the patient to the level of consciousness that is right for both the patient and the dentist. Minimal Sedation Dentistry In Hamilton, GA makes use of nitrous oxide, usually referred to as laughing gas. The gas is combined with oxygen and is fed to the patient through a mask which is placed over the nose. The dentist maintains the correct flow of gas as it wears off quite quickly. Nitrous oxide is the only sedative used by a dentist that wears off so quickly that the patient can drive home without any help.

For moderate sedation the dentist normally gives the patient an oral sedative, the drug that is used is similar to Valium and has the same effect. The patient takes the drug about an hour before the procedure is scheduled to commence. The patient slowly becomes groggy; in many cases the patient will actually fall asleep but will remain conscious and can be awaked with a gentle prod. It is not recommended that the patient drive home alone, they should be accompanied. Although an oral sedative is most frequently used for mediate levels of sedation the dentist can also introduce the sedative directly into a vein. This type of sedation dentistry allows the dentist to monitor the patient; this is not the case when the sedative is given orally.

Deep sedation and general anesthesia will either get you to the edge of consciousness or completely into a deep sleep, totally unconscious. While under the effects of general anesthesia, you cannot easily be woken; the effects of the anesthetic must either wear off or be chemically reversed.

Sedation Dentistry In Hamilton, GA is something that is used with patients who have a genuine fear of dentistry, to the point where they avoid dentists altogether. People with a low pain threshold, are fidgety or have a gag reflex are also candidates for sedation dentistry.

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