Understanding Seasonal Weather in Regard to Repair and Replacement of Roofing in Bellevue WA

by | Feb 25, 2019 | Roofing

Bellevue is located in the sprawling Seattle metropolitan region. The weather here is generally mild without the extremes in temperature experienced in most other parts of the country, although this can happen on occasion. In regard to roofing problems, area residents normally don’t have to worry about snow accumulation or ice dams. However, they still need professional service for Roofing in Bellevue WA if the roof springs a leak.

Drizzles and Sprinkles

This part of the country is known for its rainy weather. That doesn’t mean rain pours down a great deal of the time, but drizzling and sprinkling rain are common. Signs of a leak in Roofing in Bellevue WA may not be evident for a while because the rainwater may not reach the ceiling if there is just a trickle. Leaks tend to be diverted, causing rainwater to run down boards in the roof deck and underneath.

A Good Downpour

Sometimes a good downpour has to occur before the household residents see water dripping from the ceiling, or a stain on the ceiling tile or drywall. The place where this evidence appears may be several feet from where the problem with the roof is actually located. It takes an experienced roofer from a company like North Creek Roofing to investigate and track down the underlying problem so it can be repaired effectively.

Roof Replacement

If the roof is old enough that replacement should be considered soon, that first leak could be considered a warning sign. As the roof deteriorates, more leaks are likely to develop. A patch job may allow for a short delay on full replacement, but it’s time to start thinking about a new roof. If there is only one layer of shingles, the roofer may be able to add a second. This is an effective solution for homeowners whose budget makes it very difficult to pay for a tear-off and full replacement.

The rainy season in this region is generally considered to last between October through May. For full replacement, the homeowners may want to schedule the appointment during the summer months. However, if the roof is leaking, a crew can usually do a full replacement in one day for an average-sized house.

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