In a conventional data grid, information is transferred from the Random Operating Memory (ROM) to the Random Access Memory (RAM) for quick access while a program is opened. This information is either transferred back to the ROM when the program is closed, or it’s lost if the program shuts down in an abnormal fashion. However, an in-memory data grid works a little differently. In such data grids, the data structure resides primarily within the RAM and is then distributed along numerous servers. Thanks to the technological advancements made in the past few years related to 64-bit systems and multi-core systems, one can now store terabytes of data and information entirely within the RAM, thus completely obviating the need for mass storage devices like hard drives or USBs.
Because the entire data structure is stored within the RAM, the in-memory data grid definitely offers a range of advantages. The biggest advantage that you get is related to the increase in performance. Because the data can be written directly to the RAM and can also be retrieved directly, it leads to a major increase in performance that would not be possible with a hard drive. Secondly, the data grid can be scaled according to the needs of the business, reducing the need for adding expensive upgrades every time the business grows. Most importantly, the technological benefits offered by using an in-memory data grid allow the business to make faster decisions, improving customer service as well as the productivity of the employees.
The Bottom Line
If you are looking to develop a green-field, a brand new application or system, then the choice becomes very clear: the in-memory grids offer you the best of both worlds, working with an existing database and integrating new facilities. Visit for more information about this. You can also connect them on Facebook for more updates.