What Should You Do Before Contacting a Car Accident Lawyer in McKinney TX

by | Sep 15, 2014 | Lawyers

Auto accidents are very unpredictable. They can also be stressful as well as annoying. Being prepared is the main key to winning the battle that will follow, especially when you decide to claim for compensation. Immediately after the accident, it is important that you stay calm and do the following before contacting a Car Accident lawyer in Mckinney TX.

Gather Witness Information

If you can, talk to everyone who is close by and ensure to get his or her contact information so you get in touch with them later. In most cases, should you choose to talk to your lawyer, you run the likelihood of losing the opportunity to talk to an important witness. Should the police be on the scene, it is possible that they will take witness accounts of one or two individuals. However, if you are sure you are not the cause of the accident, it does not hurt to get your own witness.

Do You Really Need a Legal Representative?

When you hire a legal representative, you should expect that you have to pay him/her one third of the recovery. Unfortunately, many insurance firms will always seek to pay you little to no settlement if you appear in court unrepresented. An attorney offers you a better chance at getting a good legal claim.

Get the Police Report

In the event there is a police report, it is vital that you get in touch with the police department and ask them to help you on the procedures of ordering one. Different police departments have different procedures. Be prepared, there will be a small service charge for copying and processing. One of the first things a lawyer will want to review is the police report.

Take Photos

A photo of your damaged vehicle and injuries incurred will prove to be vital when filing a claim. Take photos from a number of angles to avoid instances where the insurance company can claim that the accident was not serious to warrant any type of compensation.

Even as you prepare to talk to a Car Accident lawyer in Mckinney TX, it is vital to get vehicle repair estimates and see a doctor. Also, remember to give your lawyer from David S. Kohn & Associates details such as the physical address of the accidents, names of your attending doctors and dates related to your accident and treatments. For more information visit us today.

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