When to Hire Child Custody Attorneys in Sierra Vista

by | Jan 16, 2014 | Lawyers

If you have children, you are probably aware of how important it is to make sure their needs are met. If you feel your child is not being taken care of as they should be, it may be time to inquire about getting custody of them. Regardless of the circumstances surrounding your situation, Child custody attorneys in Sierra Vista can help you go to court and gain custody of your child. Don’t let the stress of your child’s care cause you worry any longer.

The following three situations are times when it is in your best interest to hire an attorney who specializes in custody battles.

Divorce : If you are going through a divorce and feel that the other parent will not be able to provide a suitable living situation for your children, an attorney can help you prove this to a court of law and gain you the custody you deserve. Divorce proceedings are hard enough without children. Make sure you let an attorney guide you through the process so you can get the outcome you and your child deserves.

Missed Child Support Payments : If your child’s other parent is not paying support and upholding the financial obligations a child creates, you can sue to get full custody. Don’t think you have to deal with a deadbeat parent, when you can let an attorney fight to have their ability to be in their child’s life taken out of the equation.

Abuse and Neglect : If you feel that your child is not being treated right, and is not receiving the items they need to live a healthy and full life, Child custody attorneys in Sierra Vista can help you. They will research the case and gather the information required to prove to a judge that they are unfit parents. Don’t put your child’s safety at risk any longer. Let an attorney fight to grant you custody today.

If you are looking for an attorney to help you with your child custody proceedings, make sure you contact The Law Office of Joseph Mendoza. He and his team can help prove that you are the more appropriate parent, and get you custody of your children. Call him today or visit us website so you can secure the safety of your child now.

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