For many people who have a missing tooth it can be embarrassing and cause low self-esteem as well as interfere with correctly chewing. If you have a tooth or teeth missing, fortunately there are ways the dental clinic in Eagan, MN can replace them. Dental implants are prosthetic teeth that look and feel like your natural teeth.
Dental implants from the Dakota Dental & Implant Center is a surgical procedure. It requires at least three visits to the dental clinic in Eagan, MN for the entire procedure. At the first visit the dentist will go over you medical history to make sure you are physically well enough for the procedure and examine your teeth and gum’s to make sure the bone is healthy enough for the procedure. During the second appointment, the dentist will install titanium screws into the jaw bone. During the procedure you will be given an anesthesia, so you will need to have someone with you to drive you home.
The second part of the procedure involves the installation of the crowns, which are attached to the screws. The crowns are made with a porcelain material, so they look and feel like your own teeth. There are a number of benefits with dental implants, include restoring your smile and the ability to chew correctly. It is important to have good oral hygiene to protect the implants and visit the dentist at least once each year to make sure there are no problems with the implants. The crowns are made with a porcelain matter, so it is important to avoid chewing on hard candies or other hard foods that may crack the crown.
The primary disadvantage with dental implants is that the majority of insurance providers will not cover the cost of implants. However, there is personal dental insurance available that is specifically procedures such as dental implants. Some dentists will also work with patients and create a payment plan that allows you to pay for the procedure in payments. It is recommended that you talk with your dentist to discuss your options regarding payment for the procedure and follow-up visits relating to the dental implants.